Tuesday, October 8, 2013


As I continue to learn and grow in my own mastery of technology; I know that the learning relationship with my students is predicated on the trust in Patience and Persistence. We will all get through it. We will all learn and grow.  I am starting to surface from a recent death in my family and know that students have big life events that they are managing.  For me, it is the joy of working with the adult learner. I gain something everyday in reading their work and sharing in the learning with them.  I am finding new material and readings to go into the NMNL course.  Staying current in the knowledge and growth and change in new media is like running on a treadmill non stop.  Exciting but ever-changing.  I always appreciate when a student does a little exploring on their own and finds a new resource for me to consider in the organic nature of the course content. So, thanks to all of my NMNL student for their "P&P" and for inspiring me daily!