Sunday, February 2, 2014

As I think about this past week.  I deliberate on the overwhelming speed with which multi-media and new media influence my performance art discipline.  More and more MFA's in performance and interactive media are developed.  As a beginner in using Isadora programming software to create and control various media elements in a variety of contexts, my awareness of the shrinking of the world as I have developed a large community of artists around the world who use these cutting edge tools.   I can have a whole day go by while I watch their you tube channels or how they share programming tricks and solutions in productions, installations and in all sorts of contexts.  I realize that we are soon to be setting up interactive performance events that are participatory in nature.  We will soon be logging in around the world to interface with a site specific event in Germany while having input from collaborators in China, Amsterdam, Canada and the US.  It is overwhelming how it has grown and expanded over the last two years.  I am keenly aware of the somewhat shaky and shifting ground under my feet and potentially of my NMNL students who may be just beginning to see what is happening out there in the digital globe of communities.  Open source everything, sharing of ideas, and introducing each other to artists and educators who are highly engaged.  I hope that I can learn to manage my time and not let myself be too 'sucked' in to the world of the internet and to balance my time for all of my interests and responsibilities.  It is exciting though.... More to come

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Well it is winter, very cold and perfect conditions for staying in and reading the new posts of my students in NMNL.  I am going to post all the link to their sites down along the right.  It will take me about an hour to get them up. But, then can click on their name to go to each of their sites.   NMNL students -  when you are at their site subscribe to follow them and their posts will show up in your list.